Contact Information

Since you wandered in here, you may ask, “Why did you start this blog?” I’ll tell you!

I don’t know.

I don’t have any expectations that more than a few dozen people ever read it. I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind about anything and I certainly won’t make any money.  So the best answer I can come up with is that I’m writing it for myself.  I find that writing something clarifies my thinking and is something I enjoy.   But, if you find something worthwhile in my little corner of the internet, whether you agree with me or not, leave a comment, send me an email and tell your friends and twitter and Facebook followers.  Everybody likes a audience, even if you don’t expect one.

 My email address is and my twitter account is @grhammersmith (Alaskan)

Now, a little bit about myself.  GR Hammersmith is not my real name.  It is a nom de plume which is a French phase that roughly translated means “you never know how people will react if you start expressing your opinion.”  But, I was a pretty lousy French student in high school so I might be wrong about that.  I Live in Anchorage, Alaska and the photo on my blog banner is the view from my home.

And that‘s all you really need to know about me.